Emily has served as Clinic Director at Applied Behavioral Services since 2006. She received her Bacholor’s in Psychology from Ohio State, a Masters of Art in Counseling from Wright State and her BCaBA from Florida Institute of Technology. Emily is passionate about providing quality intervetion and services to our families. She is dedicated to the application and supervision of research based therapy for the children we serve.
Emily lives in Cincinnati and enjoys spending time with family and friends on the weekends. She served as Co-President of FEAT (Families for Effective Autism Treatment) for 2 years as well as has been involved with the Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati over the years. She is a true Ohio State Buckeye fan and enjoys attending games and tail gaiting. She enjoys warm weather and being around the water. Her passion is bringing every child to their full potential. Emily’s favorite quote is, “The best way out is always through.” -Robert Frost