All posts by Dr. Jill Blanchard

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Data-Driven Decision Making in the Special Education Classroom

Formative and summative assessments are crucial tools that each play distinct roles in the classroom. By understanding and applying both formative and summative assessments effectively, teachers can create a more responsive and supportive learning environment, ultimately leading to greater student success. Formative vs. Summative Assessments Formative Assessments are ongoing evaluations that occur during the learning […]

Fighting the Summer Slide

The last few weeks of the school year are often the most challenging. In addition to student behaviors, spring fever, and end of year exhaustion, many teachers also face the concern of the impending summer slide. It is difficult to look at a group of students who showed so much growth over the past nine […]

How Paraprofessionals and Teachers Work Together for Student Success

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio where she leads New Story Schools, Applied Behavioral Services and The Learning Spectrum. Paraprofessionals are often the force in our buildings that keep our students going every day, especially in a special education setting. It is important that teachers and paraprofessionals both understand their roles and […]

Understanding Trauma Informed Care

Trauma Informed Care involves understanding the background of your students and their behaviors and reactions to classroom situations. Trauma informed care, in a sense, is shifting your perspective from “what is wrong with you?” to “what happened to you?”   Understanding the physiological reasons for our students’ behaviors helps us not to take their reactions personally. The following steps need to be […]

Providing Quality Feedback to Students

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio, where she leads New Story Schools and Applied Behavioral Services. Effective educators should be in the habit of providing constant feedback to their students. However, we often forget that they also have to teach the students how to use this feedback to gain improvement.  […]

Teaching Intrinsic Motivation

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio, where she leads New Story Schools and Applied Behavioral Services.   We have many tasks assigned to us as educators. We know it is our role to move our students academically and promote social skills to help them achieve success later in life. In addition […]

Six Ways to Implement Positive Behavior Interventions

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio where she leads New Story Schools and Applied Behavioral Services.   It is commonly accepted that having established routines and expectations makes all the difference in classroom management. But what about those students who continue to cause disruptions and have a difficult time adhering to […]