By Francesca Joseph, Special Education Teacher, New Story Schools campus in Harrisburg, PA
As colder temperatures increase, you and your children may face more exposure to germs. You may be wondering what you can do to prevent sickness during the cold winter months. Read more for tips on how to keep your child healthy during the winter season.
Here are six tips to focus on and implement in your everyday routine.
1. Practice effective handwashing
Teach your child to wash their hands when they are dirty, before eating or touching food, after using the restroom, after blowing their nose, after touching pets, after playing outside, and lastly before and after visiting a sick friend or relative.
2. Change and wash clothing and bedding
Changing clothes prevents children from remaining in bacteria. Regularly cleaning bedding can also help to alleviate allergies, skin breakouts, asthma, and more.
3. Exercise
Regular exercise helps regulate emotions, improve social and communication skills, and reduce anxiety and comorbidities.
4. Teach your kids ‘cough and sneeze etiquette’
Pediatrics recommend that children learn to turn their heads and cough or sneeze into a tissue or inside of their elbow. This prevents germs from spreading.
5. Enforce bedtime routines
When children get quality sleep it can help reduce challenging behaviors and also boost their immune system.
6. Ask for help
Each child is different and has a unique set of needs. Feel free to reach out to your teachers, doctors, or other professionals to address your concerns or for advice about how to meet your child’s needs.
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