At Applied Behavioral Services, we make fostering connections and understanding among students a top priority. To implement these priorities, we initiated an “About Me” project in West Chester’s step up 2 classroom, providing students with an opportunity to share their passions and interests with their peers.
The step up 2 classroom focuses on building academic skills while also working to increase independence and prepare students for future employment. Step up 2 student, MJ, recently presented his “About Me” project and shared what he is most passionate about.
MJ chose to center his presentation on his passion for the Badin High School football team and the incredible journey that led him to a volunteer position within the program. This opportunity not only allows him to indulge in his love for the sport but also serves as a valuable source of social and work skills development.
For MJ, being part of the Badin High School football team is a dream come true. In his presentation, he shared insights into his role, which includes attending two practices per week and accompanying the team to all of their games. His project is not only about his love of football, but demonstrates the life and employability skills he’s learning by being out in the community developing critical skills.
Over the course of three days, MJ conducted interviews with the head coach, Coach Yordy, and the team trainer, Max. Not only did he compile information and images, but he also integrated a video version of one of the interviews into his presentation. The result was a showcase of his dedication and enthusiasm for Badin Football.
Coach Yordy and Max had glowing reviews of MJ’s work ethic and positive attitude. MJ’s ability to create over 15 slides filled with engaging content speaks volumes about his commitment to excellence. Encouraged by the success of his first presentation, MJ is already planning his next project, demonstrating that dreams, when pursued with passion and determination, can yield extraordinary results.

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