By Elisabeth Furlong
Special times like back to school, the holidays, or summer break are always exciting, but it can also mean a big change in routine for your student. Preparing your child ahead of time can help save some of the stress and anxiety that come with these changes as they navigate how to get back into the swing of things.
One of my favorite ways to start a new routine is to read books out loud to my child that help him know what to expect. One of our favorites is “The Night Before” series by Natasha Wing. This series has a separate book for each grade level and also includes titles surrounding holidays and other special days such as “The Night Before New Year’s” and “The Night Before Summer Camp”. Many kids struggle with not knowing the new changes will bring and these stories and illustrations do a wonderful job of showing them what their day is going to look like.
Another book series that tackles tough subjects such as the first day in a new school and the first time riding a bus are the Little Critter books by Mercer Mayer. These books target not just going to a new building, but also social issues that can occur when students are away from home. Some of the titles include “I Am Sharing”, “Little Critter Goes to School” and “Just a Teacher’s Pet”. Each story focuses on a social issue or event that can lead to stress for students and show them how to work through it. The main character in the book often makes mistakes and shows students that it’s okay to mess up sometimes as long as you’re trying your best.
Reading out loud can help you answer questions that your child might not be able to voice and can lead to conversations about other issues that may arise as they get back to their everyday routines. Encourage your child to ask questions as you read and take your time explaining parts of the story that you think would best benefit your student. Reading is a great way to motivate your student to get excited for the new adventures at school!