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Token Economy in Action

This blog was written by Erin Taylor, Clinic Manager, and Elisabeth Furlong, Registered Behavior Technician at Applied Behavioral Services in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Elisabeth Furlong, a Registered Behavior Technician, started using a token economy at home with her son to motivate him to complete his chores. His chores consist of helping with vacuuming, dusting, picking up […]

6 Winter Health Tips for Children with Autism

By Francesca Joseph, Special Education Teacher, New Story Schools campus in Harrisburg, PA  As colder temperatures increase, you and your children may face more exposure to germs. You may be wondering what you can do to prevent sickness during the cold winter months. Read more for tips on how to keep your child healthy during […]

Providing Quality Feedback to Students

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio, where she leads New Story Schools and Applied Behavioral Services. Effective educators should be in the habit of providing constant feedback to their students. However, we often forget that they also have to teach the students how to use this feedback to gain improvement.  […]

Four Steps to Using a Token Economy at Home

This blog was written by Erin Taylor, Clinic Manager, and Elisabeth Furlong, Registered Behavior Technician at Applied Behavioral Services in Cincinnati, Ohio. Parenting a child with autism means finding effective strategies to promote positive behavior at home. One approach that many parents find helpful is implementing a token economy. It is a reward system where […]