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Meet Ben: A Passionate Engineer

Celebrate Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month all April long with us by getting to know our students! Read more about Ben from our Cincinnati Annex and his passion for engineering. Grade: 12th Interests: Construction, STEM, and being helpful to others. Loves to spend time with: His family! Ben has 32 cousins, 6 brothers, and 4 […]

How Paraprofessionals and Teachers Work Together for Student Success

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio where she leads New Story Schools, Applied Behavioral Services and The Learning Spectrum. Paraprofessionals are often the force in our buildings that keep our students going every day, especially in a special education setting. It is important that teachers and paraprofessionals both understand their roles and […]

Meet Stephanie: Clinical Supervisor

March 1 was Employee Appreciation Day! We are celebrating our team members all month long by sharing their stories. Meet Stephanie Habermehl, Clinical Supervisor at Applied Behavioral Services’ Dayton campus. What is your favorite thing about working here? I love that I get to provide educational and behavioral services to children in a small group […]

Meet Caiti: Speech-Language Pathologist

March 1 was Employee Appreciation Day! We are celebrating our team members all month long by sharing their stories. Meet Caiti Eisenhut, a knowledgeable speech-language pathologist at Applied Behavioral Services’ Cincinnati campus. What is your favorite thing about working here? Our students! They are funny, sweet, sarcastic, and simply the best. What keeps you coming […]

The ABCs of ABA

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding and improving behavior. It is based on the principles of behaviorism, which emphasize the relationship between behavior and its environmental factors. ABA is widely used in various fields, including psychology, education, and healthcare, to bring about positive behavioral changes in individuals. The seven dimensions of […]

Understanding Trauma Informed Care

Trauma Informed Care involves understanding the background of your students and their behaviors and reactions to classroom situations. Trauma informed care, in a sense, is shifting your perspective from “what is wrong with you?” to “what happened to you?”   Understanding the physiological reasons for our students’ behaviors helps us not to take their reactions personally. The following steps need to be […]