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Autism Myths and Truths

It can be very challenging for someone without autism to understand what it’s like to be on the spectrum. This can lead to incorrect (even if well-meaning) beliefs and stereotypes about what autism spectrum disorder (autism) truly is. These misconceptions can be stigmatizing, harmful, and even cruel to those on the spectrum. It’s important to […]

Preparing for Winter – Tips for Families

This blog was written by Caryn Shaffer, Nurse at New Story Schools in Monroeville, PA and Danielle Medeiros, Project Administrator at New Story Schools Management.   Navigating the winter season can be a challenging time for children and young adults with disabilities and their families. The cold weather, seasonal changes, and the preparations for winter holidays […]

Teaching Intrinsic Motivation

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio, where she leads New Story Schools and Applied Behavioral Services.   We have many tasks assigned to us as educators. We know it is our role to move our students academically and promote social skills to help them achieve success later in life. In addition […]

Tips for the Holidays!

This blog was written by Erin Collins, BCaBA, LaBA, Clinic Manager at Applied Behavioral Services in Cincinnati, OH.   For parents of children with special needs, preparing for the holidays requires a thoughtful and inclusive approach to ensure everyone can enjoy the festivities. Here are some tips to help you create an inclusive and enjoyable holiday […]

Ohio Schools Participate in Bullying Prevention Spirit Week

Creating a safe and inclusive environment for students is at the heart of our mission. To further this commitment, New Story Schools and Applied Behavioral Services organized a Bullying Prevention Spirit Week this October, National Bullying Awareness Month, to unite and uplift staff and students across their eight Ohio locations. The spirit week was filled […]

Six Ways to Implement Positive Behavior Interventions

Dr. Jill Blanchard is Senior Vice President of Operations in Ohio where she leads New Story Schools and Applied Behavioral Services.   It is commonly accepted that having established routines and expectations makes all the difference in classroom management. But what about those students who continue to cause disruptions and have a difficult time adhering to […]